Monday, January 30, 2012

The Secret of the Fries

Were you surprised to learn what's in the red food dye that goes into many fast food strawberry shakes? Or to find out what flavoring goes into the french fries? What do you think about the fact that a lot of the flavors in your fast food come from chemical factories along the New Jersey turnpike? Could our food be made in any other way?
After killing thousands at a time, the dried insects are boiled to produce a liquid solution that can be turned to a dye using a variety of treatments. Some people worry that the coloring — often called carmine or carminic acid — could be listed as a “natural color,” disguising the fact that there are bugs in the product.

1 comment:

  1. Yes very surprised to find that there are bugs in red food coloring.It is disgusting.It is also disgusting how many ingreedients are put in the milkshakes about 40 hidden ingredients are in there!It is ridiculous that the have to put all these chemicals into strawberry milkshakes when all you have to do is throw in strawberries milk and sugar into a blender and it is finished.
